Bollywood News
Adivi Shesh On Coping With The Corona

How have you been coping with the lockdown?
The immediate reaction to the reports of the spread of the virus is a certain amount of anxiety until you realize that in india, the best thing you can do is to isolate yourself. So, doing my best for that this season!
How are you spending your time?
Watching some scenes of what we shot for my next release Major, reading booms I never would have and as of yesterday, lots of exercise!
Binging on a lot of movies?
Oh yes, forgot the movie binging part. Been on a classic spree. Did The Godfather, Roja, Dalapathi and many more.
Do you eat and sleep more than usual?
I keep falling asleep and it also makes me realize my adrenaline levels. Working on MAJOR has been most satisfying, looking forward to getting back on set.Oh, and cut the boredom eating. Don’t eat because you’re bored. Did that as a kid and it… Just NO!! Dont do it
Your advise to your fans and followers?
It is important for you to understand that this is unprecedented in our lifetime. Too many people still think of it as something “someone somewhere” is getting. Guys, stay in, be hygenic and please be vigilant specially about the young and the elderly. Monitor them but keep your distance. You never know, you could be a carrier and your body is fighting it just fine. Their bodies can’t. Take this opportunity to do personal things you never would’ve done. We are all guilty of saying “If only, I had the time” Well…guess what !
Tell me about your next release
It’s strange to put a halt to things right in the middle of MAJORs shoot. But hey, the whole world is on pause. Can’t wait to get back to working on this amazing story. Recently, for Mar 15, the birthday of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, we had some massive updates planned but postponed for obvious reasons. Will do them once the lockdown ends.