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Amitabh Bachchan Uses His Powerful  Voice To Propagate Equal Distribution Of Wealth Between Male & Female Heir



When Mr Bachchan talks, we listen. During his 45 years of superstardom  he has used his powerful voice for innumerable social messages.

His latest plea for a just equal and unbiased social order had all of India cheering in approval.

The mega-star declared, “When I die, my assets will be equally shared between my daughter and my son… Gender equality… We are equal.”

When I congratulate him on this exemplary move to bridge the gap between the two sexes, he brushes aside my compliments saying he was only using voice for a right cause.

Says  Mr Bachchan, “ I am not being exemplary with my conduct and mindset when I declare the gender equality for my children. It is a natural belief of mine. I express it because if my face and voice can sell cement, I hope it can cement this social and moral belief of mine, among my countrymen.”

So does  Mr Bachchan feel the gender inequality that plagues our social order can  only be repaired by a patriarchal willingness to right the wrongs that cause the inequality?

The  baritoned social changer  brushes aside  the belief that only men can right the inequality between the genders. “This  belief questions the very tenet of gender equality. Please do not even  attempt to suggest that gender equality can only be repaired by a patriarchal willingness. It should be willingly repaired and accepted if it is propagated , matriarch-ally too.”

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