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BJP’s Ravi Kissan Blasts The CAA Protestors



“The  Left and the Congress want to ruin our country,” Ravi Kissan known  to play angry pro-Establishment  roles, now  a very active BJP parliamentarian .  does  not mince words while  condemning  the current nationwide  stir against the Citizens Amendment Act.

“We have nothing against silent legal protest. There were protests  against  the CAA  in  Mumbai. Was  there any trouble? Why  is there  so much violence during the protests  in places  like  Lucknow?These so-called protestors are  trouble makers, some of them affiliated to  terror organizations.We can’t have  people  trying to destroy  our nation while pretending  to protest .And what are  they protesting against?”

What  about the  arrest and the alleged  custodial assault of  activist Sadaf Jafar?

Ravi  volunteers, “There has been no assault  or torture.She  was arrested for instigating  unrest. You can’t provoke to  indulge in  acts  of   violence people  for  your own reasons.Look at Arundhati Roy’s outrageous statements. The Left in India are caught  on the wrong foot.”

Ravi Kissan is  of the  opinion that  the entire civilization  was Hindu before other relgions came in. “So where is  the  question  of India not being a Hindu rashtra? I’ve studied our shastras very carefully. I am a  priest’s son. I know what  I am talking about.  The  entire  civilization was  Hindu in the beginning. But  I am not against Islam.Some of my  best friends are Muslim. There are mainly Muslims among my staff. India is  for Hindus. But everyone else is welcome. Show us your visa, you are welcome  to stay in India.”

Ravi Kissan feels the silence  of  the  film industry is justified. “Why should they speak up for a lost cause?”

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