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Why Irrfan Khan is a genius of Honesty and Wit?



If anyone who wants to learn how to speak with pure transparency and honesty, Irrfan Khan is definitely is their master. Over the years, one thing the actor hasn’t given up is his complete earnestness especially so in his interviews. He dolls out one witty response after the other each filled with innocence and brutal honesty at times, which many shy away from. For that we love this impeccable actor, who doesn’t only impress us with his brilliance on screen, but always with his magic of words!

Here’s are ten things Irrfan Khan has said previously, which proves he can slay with words!

“I’ve never looked to create an image where people fall in love with my face or style. It does cross my mind. But I’ve been trying to create a space for myself where I don’t depend on that.”
The day I become conventional, something inside me will die
When you are young you are fascinated by so many things. Some things drop, some stay . I can be without anything but I cannot be without nature

Izzat aur zillat aap ke haath mein nahin hai.

Wanting fame is a disease and One day I will want to be free from this disease, from this desire. Where fame doesn’t matter. Where just experiencing life and being okay with it is enough
Every time. We have a youth audience. It’s not Hollywood where a 50-year-old is playing the lead character. So the effort is to look younger, which sometimes is not at all enjoyable. People look at an actor and say that he doesn’t look what he’s pretending to be.

I hope it changes. I hope people can play their own age.
“People like to see my work, not face

My mother feels important when people bring her garlands. But if she came to know I’m working with an injured ankle, she would have a fit. She’d start scolding me. She’s happy, but her desire, her greatest desire would still be for me to go back to Jaipur and do a normal job like a teacher.

I’m not a very talkative man, and people are threatened by silence. If you’re sitting in a group and you’re not saying anything, people start getting insecure. They start thinking, he’s a snob. Or, he’s thinking something negative about me. Silence brings out your devils

It pains me when a film actor or a cricketer is a youth icon. I don’t have anything against them. They are great entertainers; they are useful to the society. They contribute to people’s lives. But they are not heroes.

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