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Mother’s Day Special: ”My mother was my pillar”



Here is what Ali Fazal had to say on the occasion of Mother’s Day!
Ali Fazal: My mother was my pillar since i was. I lived and spent time with her while my father was out working in another country. We needed each other . She has had tough times in her life but she never let it show. My morning tiffin would be ready before school and many a times she was unwell, on medication and still she would drop me to school like nothing could her.
Ali Fazal

Ali Fazal

Its what makes me humble and strong today. She taught me never to pity oneself, that s death. I know her hardships, and i love her to death. We just cant say it to each other . But we do. And we know. So everyday is her day.I have always shared an interesting friendship with my mom. A friendship that had a lot of distance between us.. We spoke less and i like to think we love each other more than the words between us.
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