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Saif Ali Khan Looks Forward To His First Diwali In His New Home

Saif Ali Khan, his wife Kareena and his sons have recently moved into their new home.
They are now looking forward to their first Diwali in their new residence.
The Family intends to celebrate the festive occasion in a big way.
Says Saif, “It’s our first Diwali in our new place.So we will be celebrating it with family, friends lights and love. We are looking forward to our first Diwali here.”
Explaining the need to move into a new home, Saif says, “With Jeh coming into the family we needed a bit more space.The new home has more open spaces for the children to run around. Otherwise we were happy in the little apartment. There is more terrace space for Taimur and Jeh now. The other house was too cluttered. It’s lucky that Taimur did not bump into anything . We didn’t remove any of the furniture, as we were advised to, when he was born.”