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Has Akshay Kumar Shot His  Film In The  Foot?



Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar  couldn’t have chosen a worse time to prove his secular credentials.  Walking into a dargah piously.he decided to donate a substantial  amount of money into the repair work of the religious  premise.

 That’s a fine charitable  gesture under normal circumstances.  But look at the suspicious timing  of the gesture,  just a week or less  away from the release  of his new film. God and the boxoffice know  how desperate Akshay is  for   hit. With all  his  films in the recent years  facing an acute crisis of  attendance, he  would go to any lengths to get the public  on his side.

Sadly some of  Man’s best schemes are  shot down  by God. While Akshay thought  he had won over the Muslim vote with his dargah charity, the gesture of  generosity has  nettled both  the  Hindu and Muslim community.

A director who has worked in many films with Akshay in the past, spoke on what he  called Akshay’s dargah  politics.  “I don’t know who  advised him to  do this(the  charitable donation)  on the  eve  of his film’s release.  It smacks of  sheer desperation. You want to win the minority vote at  the cost of incurring the majority’s wrath? The  Muslim community knows exactly when it is being used. Akshay needs to back  down , move  a  few steps backwards. The more he tries to win the audience the more isolated he  will get.”

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