Here’s Why This Superstar Is Quiet About #MeToo
By Devyani Chaubal
He is the undisputed Sultan of the boxoffice, The most beloved superstar with a clean image on screen : he doesn’t ever kiss his heroines for the camera!
But when it comes to his real life, this Superstar has a helluva reckless reputation of a ill-tempered lover who has on many occasions raised his hands on his girlfriends, sometimes publicly.
In fact one of the Superstar’s girlfriend who is very close to this writer has revealed graphic details of the Superstar’s violent temper and its ugly manifestations. This superstar is known to taunt heckle tease his heroines during film promotions.None of the ladies minds this behaviour. The same behaviour would qualify as harassment in a lesser star.
Is it any wonder, then, that that this Swaggering Portrait Of Machismo is eerily silent over the MeToo issue? In fact the Superstar’s father—who is the only person this impetuous Screen God listens to– has forbidden him from speaking up on this matter . Dad has reminded Superstar Son of all the women that are likely to come forward if he, the celluloid idol, proclaims a righteous solidarity with the wronged women in the MeToo movement.