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Nani’s Shyama Singha Roy Suffers Heavy Losses Due to Heavy Rains



There seems   to be  no end  to  the woes  of Telugu star Nani’s period historical  Shyama Singha Roy. It was  to go on the floors n  April 2020  . But after Covid struck  civilization, shooting  was postponed  until the lockdown was lifted.  The  original producer  Naga Vamsi backed out of  the project as  financially unfeasible   after the  pandemic.Nani decided to produce the film.

The shooting which involved artistes  from Kolkata  was halted earlier  this month.Nani and his  director were allowed to go on shooting  even after all shootings were halted in Andhra because it involved artistes  from Bengal and the shooting  was being done on an expensive set  involving  dozens of junior artistes. But now some artistes have  been detected as  Covid Positive and the shooting has  come to a grinding halt.Which means  the entire schedule  would have to be revived  , the expensive  set built again, just for a few days’ shooting whenever  possible.

Now  comes  the  very saddening news that  the elaborate  set  erected  for  Shyama Singha Roy at  at the outskirts  of Hyderabad over  6 acres  has been  destroyed by  the  torrential rains precipitated  by Cyclone  Taukte .

A  source from Hyderabad  informs me, “It isn’t fully destroyed.  But a lot of damage  has happened. To rectify it would require  a  lot of money and and man power. The sad part is, this was  the main set for  the shoot.For the remaining  schedule, which  was cut short  by Covid cases  in the  unit, the set would have  to be re-constructed.”

Apparently the original set  cost approximately  5.5  crores to build.To  repair it  another  1-2 crores are  needed.

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