Shocking: Robot Sequel Team Alleges Irregularity By American VFX Company
Here is the real reason why 2: 0 the Robot sequel, has been delayed and postponed from January to April 2018.
The special effects were not ready in time. In fact , they still aren’t. And here’s why: the American VFX company which had taken on the herculean task failed to deliver.
Apparently, the task was too herculean for them to fulfill.
A key member of the 2: 0 team spilled the beans on condition of anonymity. “ The VFXdelivery has been gravely defaulted by a US company that took on the task of doing the entire special effects of our film.So we had to pull out a 1000 shots from the film and and send it off to 10 different VFX companies, 100 shots to each! This meant a great deal of criminal delay. In fact I will tell you the truth, they’ve cheated us and we’re now planning to take elaborate legal action against them.’
The source says the legal process is taking longer than expected as the American VFXcompany has declared itself bankrupt. “It’s fraud pulled on us deliberately. Our producersLyca are considering serious legal acion. It is shocking that a huge VFX company in America which has won Oscars for its work has pulled such a swindle on a relatively small Indian production house like ours which is trying to excel in the VFX department. It feels like sabotage!”
Says the outraged team member of 2: 0, “They call themselves the First World and they call us the Third World.And this is what they do to us! They took 90 percent of the payment in advance and then did not meet our deadline. When we took out the rushes we realized they hadn’t even done 50 percent of the work. Now we are all working 48 hours a day to meet our new release deadline.”
It is shocking to hear of such unprofessional and unethical practises from a huge AmericanVFX company which has been associated with films like Ang Lee’s Life Of Pi .