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Tanushree Dutta, Victor Bannerjee, Moon Moon  Sen,Mita Vashisht, Adivi Sesh Finally Speak Up  On The Gruesome Rape &  Murder  Of The Kolkata  Doctor



Tanushree Dutta: “It is awful to see such things are still happening  in our country. I thought the Nirbhaya case would be the last after all of them culprits hanged. Just simply don’t have words to react to this. It’s horrible and shows very poorly on our country. I feel very sad for her parents, no one deserves to die like this.”

Victor Bannerjee: “The Bhadralok image that Bengal sustained for centuries has been tarnished and besmirched like never before by the ignominious apathy of scurrilous leaders who have lost what little respect they had left.We hang our heads in shame. If this is how India will think tomorrow, then, sadly, this nation is doomed.

Moon Moon Sen: “You will  get me into trouble,  Subhash!  But I must say   any rapist /murderer should be punished severely. Since time  immemorial women have been abused and will be .We have not found a solution yet.”

Mita Vashisth: Bharat Maata is the feminine gender.Our country has fallen into the grip of toxic masculinity…at all levels…whether it is in the context of our wonderful sports women, or our life savers like our lady doctors, or the in the context of our women whose abuse is a daily given in the news.When a system of a country is focused only on money and power over everything else, at the cost of the performing  and other arts, at the cost of free and fair  education…we know toxic masculinity is present  the feminine is stifled and it’s the women are brutalized….eventually it spells doom for all of society…

Adivi Sesh:  “This is catastrophic for us as a society ,Sir. Truly feel like a gross injustice has been perpetrated against half the population. It’s been a lot of introspection and eye opening to know every woman I have ever known has faced varying degrees of physical harassment or assault. The incident in Kolkata is representative of a larger decay in us as human beings. Outraged. Hurt and broken.”

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