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Aditya Narayan speaks on his dad popular singer Udit Narayan



Aditya Narayan

Aditya Narayan doesn’t know where  to start speaking on his father. “He is  everybody’s favourite  Dad ever since he  sang Papa kehte hain bada naam karega. I’ve tried to live up to his  expectations.”

This Father’s day was a double celebration for the Narayans. “It was my parent’s  anniversary  on  the day before Father’s Day. We went for  a fourteen-course meal  and I was so glad to see him enjoying himself eating…Papa gives  a hundred percent of himself  to everything. They don’t make  them like him anymore.What  a unique  individual!  That uniqueness spreads from  his  voice to his entire personality.Everything about him  is unique.  I have been observing him for 35 years. With every passing year he  feels more unique.”

Aditya dotes on his dad. “I love him. I have immense respect for  him.I want him to be my father in every life.I am faintly confident that he too wants me as  his  son in every  life. We’ve  a lot of mutual love. And respect…It’s been a journey with ups  and downs like  any father-son relationship.”

Remembering his childhood Aditya recalls, “He was  very loving and protective when I was a child. Then when he realized I want to pursue the arts and singing, he became a full-on taskmaster . He made my life miserable(laughs uproariously).At least,  it felt  like it. But it  was all for the greater  good. He was tough on me  during my budding years. But as I’ve grown older, the more I have come to understand and love  him. I worked really hard, put myself out there,  to impress him.”

Aditya says he has inherited many qualities  from his father. “I’ve learnt  to work hard from my father. He  made me understand  that nothing comes easy. He is an extremely hardworking man.I’ve seen his perseverance and all the changes that it brought in our lives. He is a typical Sagittariun. When he sets his mind  to something, he is a horse with blinkers, he is  unstoppable. You can throw stones at him , hurl abuse,but his eyes  are on his target.He is very patient and determined with his work. That’s  what has gotten  him where he is, the adoration of millions didn’t happen overnight…He is very humble. But when  it comes to his music he knows what he is worth. He doesn’thave to say it. But he knows he is the  best.”

The birth  of Aditya’s  daughter has changed Udit into a doting grandpa. “He absolutely adores her and talks  about her non-stop. The  way he looks at her melts my heart. He never loved me  so much! I now realize he is  a softie at heart with a hard shell. He  also has a  peculiar sense  of  humour. His laughter can be heard from here to the moon. Even if he cracks  bad joke he laughs   the hardest and you laugh  because he is  amused. People wonder why I am so funny.  Well,wonder  no more! It all comes from my  father. Maybe I am not as funny he is. But I hope to get there  one day.”

Speaking on  Udit’s  other  qualities Aditya says, “He is a good husband. During the 1990s when  he was at his peak he had very little  time for us. Today he is living the life of a family man. I am happy to see him content.To see me working hard and getting love and respect gives him immense joy. For me to  see him being proud of me is my greatest  joy…Papa kehte hain bada naam karega  indeed! I wish to see him live to a 100.That’s quite probable because my grandfather died at 102  and my grandmother is 105 and alive and kicking. Yeah, I love my father.”