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“I Am Not Going To Make A Habit Of Explaining Myself,” Sonu Sood



Sonu Sood

On Why  He  Responded To  The Adminstration’s  Tweet Accusing Him Of Taking Undue Credit for Helping The  Distressed.

It is  understandable when  trolls attack  Sonu  Sood’s  relentless efforts to help the Covid distressed. We all know where these trolls are  coming from.And Sonu rightly ignores most of those questioning his noble work.

 But when you have a district magistrate refuting Sonu’  philanthropy then it  is time for  a response.

This  is what  happened when Sonu’s team helped  a needy man get  a hospital bed  in Odhisha  . The  district  magistrate   Ganjam  district in  Odhisha   challenged Sonu’s endeavour  tweeting, “We don’t received (sic.) any communication from @SoodFoundation or @SonuSood . Requested patient is in Home isolation and stable. No bed issues @BrahmapurCorp is monitoring it. @CMO_Odish.”

Sonu responded  tweeting, “Sir, We never claimed that we approached you, it’s the needy who approached us and we arranged the bed for him, attached are the chats for your reference. Ur office is doing a great job & u can double check that we had helped him too. Have DM you his contact details. Jai hind.”

I  spoke to  Sonu Sood on why he thought it  necessary to respond to this  particular  tweet.

Sonu explained, “The  denial (of the  effort  made to get  a hospital bed for  the  Ganjam citizen) came from a responsible government  officer.  It was  therefore something I had to take  seriously.  I did not want any miscommunication or any misunderstanding with the Adminstration.I am sure they are  doing their  utmost to help the  people of their district. However  this  person did approach us with an SOS  for a hospital  bed. And we  did  arrange it, but not to be one-up on the Adminstration.”

   Sonu feels the human ego should be  the last  consideration in this battle to  defeat  Covid. “We are  all this  together. Whether the  helping hand comes  from the Adminstration or   an individual  an Indian citizen like me, it is all  part of  the same endeavour to  help the  distressed during these critical times. This is  no  occasion for  one-upmanship, Maine kiya,  nahin maine kiya…all this is meaningless right now.”

However Sonu has no intentions of explaining his behavior in future. “Those  who think I am a fraud or a fake are welcome to  think so. I am not doing what I am to make  a name for myself. I am  doing what every Indian should be doing right now.”