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Mel Gibson Hits Below Ground Level In His New Film

Force Of Nature(Amazon)
Starring Kate Bosworth as Troy,Emile Hirsch as Cardillo,Mel Gibson as Ray,Stephanie Cayo as Jess,David Zayas as John the Baptist
Directed by Michael Polish
Rating: * ½
What happens when a superstar falls from grace? Mel Gibson was the God Of All Celluloid Things in the 1980-90s. Then in the new millennium he was embroiled in a series of scandals which blew his career to bits. Now he’s reduced to being a part of cinema as bottom-of-the-barrel as this trashy stunted stunt stint.
Mr Gibson should just just give up before he’s booted out forcibly. Force Of Nature which has gone to Video On Demand during the lockdown, is the worst film of Gibson’s career and it isn’t even ‘his’ film. The lead role of a cop is played by Emille Hirsch who Mel Gibson from Lethal Weapon without the lethal charm.
In the beginning we see Hirsch putting a gun into his mouth .But he doesn’t pull the trigger.
Considering what follows, I wish he had. The intended livewire action set during a devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico follows the Diehard formula with a bunch of ‘brave’ heroes battling the baddies who are bullies of the first order. The action is largely orchestrated in cramped corridors with the rain lashing down non-stop. It makes for some interesting fights,for those who like filth in their blood .But there is a meager scope for the plot to grow beyond anything but a but of active steroids pumped into proceedings that are more pompous than riveting.
Where does Mr Gibson fit into all this? You may well ask. He is a gruffy burnt-out ex-cop who gives the two cops Cardillo and Jess,played with playful dimestore valour by Emille Hirch and Stephanie Cayo who look so miserable soaked in the rain that you just wish a couple of warm blankets and a cosy fireside for them.
As for this film. Its plans for theatrical release after the pademic are as tenable as chances of Mel Gibson doing Lethal Weapon 5.