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No Plans For Season 3 of Family Man Yet, Clarifies Raj Nidirmoru



A  report recently  suggesting that Season 3  of The Family  Man is already on the anvil,has  gone  viral.

 But Family Man  co-producer Raj Nidimoru   nips the  report in the  bud. “There is  no Season  3  Of The  Family Man as yet .We haven’t even discussed  it . It’s not even an idea as of now.”

So where  did this rumour  come from?  “It happened at  a press conference  for  Cinema Bandi(the Telugu film co-produced  by  Raj-DK) where a journalist persistently asked  about Season 3  of The Family Man. I very clearly told him it is not even under discussion right now. Right now  everyone is so into Season 2.”

 The  response  to  Season 2  is  indeed humongous. Ever since the trailer started streaming  netizens   started screaming in excitement.  So  a Season  3 does seem  like  a good idea.

“It is. And  it  is likely to happen. But not right now,” says  Raj.

We copy that.