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Samrat Prithviraj Wins Caste-Neutral Case

In a case filed against the makers of Samrat Prithviraj ,the petitioner sought stay on the release of the film on the ground that it wrongly projects King Prithviraj as a Rajput, even as there is material available that indicates that he belonged to the Gurjar caste.
The Hon’ble Court disposed off the petition while recording the statement on behalf of YRF that the film is caste-neutral and that there is no mention of King Prithviraj belonging either to the Rajput community or the Gurjar community. The film is only centered on glorifying the Indian warrior and king – Samrat Prithviraj.
TMT Law Practice represented Yash Raj Films (YRF), Aditya Chopra, Uday Chopra and Chandraprakash Dwivedi .