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Shah Rukh Khan Bows To Nambi Nambiar
At the end of his long interview with the legendary scientist Nambi Naraynan, played by R Madhavan ,Shah Rukh Khan kneels down in front of the real Nambi Narayanan to apologize on behalf of the nation for the wrongs done to the man who is an example of dignity and decorum in the face adversity .
“It is a decisive moment in my film.And hats off to both the superstars Nambi Narayanan Sir and Shah Rukh Khan for making this moment so cinematic and yet so much beyond cinema. Here is India’s biggest superstar saying sorry to this legendary scientist who was tainted and vilified,” says Madhavan.
The actor reveals there was no glycerine in the sequence where the real Narayanan and Shah Rukh come together. “The tears just flowed. It was such a magical moment.”
Incidentally Shah Rukh Khan’s last release before Rocketry, Anand L Rai’s Zero, was also partly about rocket science.
Says Madhavan, “Missile ke taur pe (as far setting an example goes) rocket launches and Shah Rukh go together.”