Telugu superstar Ram Charan has taken a significant step in his career by launching his production banner, ‘V Mega Pictures.’ Partnering with his friend Vikram Reddy...
Just 4 minutes …That’s all Ramcharan got on ABC’s Good Morning, America show. To begin with, the focus of conversation was the song Naatu Naatu. So shouldn’t its composer Keeravani...
Ramcharan left for the USA on Tuesday to join M M Keeravani for the Oscars ceremony in Los Angeles on March 12. He was barefeet as he checked in at the...
The reverberations of the Pushpaa/RRR mega-success are being heard loud and clear.Several Bollywood filmmakers have gone to Allu Arjun with proposals for his Hindi debut . While Arjun...
Telugu superstar Ram Charan couldn’t have hoped for a better birthday gift than Rajamouli’s RRR. The letter ‘R’ has played an important part in his career. In RRR...