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The Magic Of Meryl Streep!



Time magazine many  years ago  called her ‘Magic Meryl’. That label has struck. Except the very wise   Donald Trump   who thinks Meryl  is overrated, I don’t think there  is a single person in the world who is  not a fan of Meryl Streep.

As someone who has been  gawking at  films for a  good  50  years I cannot figure what this magical actress is  all about.  Or, what  life would have been  like if I didn’t get to walk down Meryl Street.

Simply put, she is to cinema what  Einstein was  to  science and nearer home what Lata Mangeshkar  is  to  music.It is unimaginable that  there was actually a time when Meryl  was not part of our cinematic heritage. If not she, who would  have played The French  Lieutent Woman,  Sophie in Sophie’s choice, Karen Silkwood  in Silkwood or  Margaret Thatcher  in  The  Iron Lady?

Meryl Owns  all these parts  the way no  other actor  can own their parts.  She steps into the space  created for her character and then assumes supreme and  unconditional  ownership.

There  is  no question about it. There can never be  another Meryl  Streep . Not now. Not in the future. And  to think Italian  producer Dino de Laurentiis had  once rejected Meryl  Streep calling her  “ugly”.

Well, I  guess Donald  Trump has company. Happy Birthday , Ms Streep.  You have enriched  our lives  beyond measure.

Unknown  facts  about Meryl
1. When she was  just starting out Meryl  was intensely  in love with  actor John Cazale(Marlon Brandon’s  son Fredo Corelone in The  Godfather)  and when he  was diagnosed with  cancer she  was  devastated. They continued be be  together until Cazale’s death.

  1. After  Cazale’s death  it was  sculptor DonGummerwho  helped her put the shattered pieces of her  life together. Theirs is  one of  the  most successful marriages  in  showbiz They have been married for more than  40 years.
  2. Meryl  has four children. Her three daughters are struggling to make their presence felt. It’s not easy when  your mother is MerylStreep.