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Actor Freddy Daruwala On His Father Testing Positive For Corona virus, Provides Tips On How To Cope With The Virus



Actor  Freddy Daruwala who made a  striking  debut  as  the main villain  in  the Akshay Kumar starrer  Holiday, has just been  to hell and  back.

  Reliving  the  trauma  Freddy  says, “ My Dad  got tested positive for the  Coronavirus  about a week ago.He’s fine now, resting and recovering well.”

Freddy has  large  house and  his father along with the rest  of  the  family is quarantined  in it.   Says Freddy, “Yes he has been in isolation at home.He was having fever and body ache as the only symptoms .Then he   lost the sense of smell and that’s the time it alarmed us and when  we tested him we found him positive.”

 Freddy says  it has been an exhausting experience  to  look after  his father’s  treatment. “It  was emotionally draining since we were uncertain about his treatment, the news going on and the severity of the situation. But luckily he started showing major improvements the day his results came and since then he has been showing constant improvement.”

 Freddy’s advice  to those  affected  by the  virus?  “Well some  sound advice that even the  government gives on your  caller tune  these days  is,  ‘You don’t have to fight the diseased but fight the disease’. If you find someone at your place with mild flu symptoms, please  get that person tested first.Put him in isolation even before the test results come .That’s what we did.And ask the patient to wear a  mask. Give him a lot of warm water and vitamin C (1000 mg/day) and good food to increase the immunity. Also one must make the Traditional “kawa”  and sip on it throughout the day.  Most importantly be around the patient and not get panicked or scare the patient.”

 The  worst  is over for Freddy.And he hopes the same  is true for  the rest  of the world.