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Amitabh Bachchan Will Turn 78 With No Fanfare



Amitabh  Bachchan who turns  78  on October 11  plans no party

“Who plans parties  during the pandemic?” a  member  of the Bachchan  family wonders when I ask  about the celebrations.  “No, it’s going to be  a very  quiet  birthday.  In fact Amitji is shooting for  KBC and he  would have liked nothing  more than to be working on his birthday. However  11th October is a Sunday.So we’ll all be home.”

The one  good thing about the pandemic is that the entire  family gets to be  together on special occasions.

“Not that Amitji would ever  need to worry on that count. Wherever  Abhishek  is shooting he  makes it a point to be home for  his  father’s birthday.Aishwarya and  Aaradhya(Abhishek-Aishwarya’s daughter) are  also home. And so  is  Shweta(the Bachchans’ daughter). So we will have  a quiet family dinner. No guests,” says  the  Bachchan family member.