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Put Undekhi 3 On Your Must-See List

Put Undekhi 3 On Your Must-See List
Rating: ****
Not being an ardent fan of crime dramas,I am surprised how involving Undekhi remains in its third season.
For those who came in late, Undekhi on SonyLIV, is about the arrogance of wealth. This affliction makes the Atwal family believe no law of the land is applicable to their lives. Convinced of their invincibility they go about killing maiming grafting , etc with no fear of God or Law. The arrogance of unlimited wealth is on full display as the Atwal family prepares in scenic Manali for the Big Fat ‘Greed’ Wedding of their heir apparent Daman(Ankur Rathee, suitably lost and wimpish) to his girlfriend Teji(Anchal Singh) who before the series clambers to a kickass climax, will display unexpected pluck in taking on her socio-pathic in-laws.
While the patriarch of the family loudly Harsh Chhaya , embodying the high spirits of the Capitalist Pig, embarrasses himself and the family with his loutish behaviour , it is his nephew Rinku who runs the show , in more ways than one. While the character is the kingpin of the series’ well-appointed crime syndicate , the actor Surya Sharma who plays Rinku presides over the narrative at though it was inherited property. Sharma is absolutely chilling in the way he normalizes crime and treats women like vassals, and vessels. Fill ‘em up.
To me, the best part of watching Undekhi is that it doesn’t glorify the life of affluent crime,although the main antagonist Rinku is every bit the cinematic hero gone the wrong way.The scripting is rigorously non-judgemental . There are no attempts to rationalize the criminal arrogance of the Atwal family as they confidently stride from one level of reprehensible criminalized behaviour to another.
In Season 3 , there is plenty of ‘feud’ for thought. There are the old characters played with reined-in verve by all especially Surya Sharma, Aanchal Singh and Dibyendu Bhattacharya. The only salient performance that I failed to comprehend is that of Harsh Chhaya whose weird facial expression throughout, as the patriarch of the criminal family ,is inexplicable.This is not the Godfather. It’s the Odd Father! If Chhaya was trying to convey the sociopathic element in the character, then the performance just doesn’t work.
Surya Sharma’s Rinku is the best portrayal of a criminal mind I’ve seen in a very long time. With each season of Applause Entertainment’s eminently watchable Undekhi Sharma has grown as an actor of confidence, none of it misplaced, and stature . It would be no exaggeration to say Sharma anchors this miniature epic’s progression to the stunning finale where nemesis, always lurking when you least expect it to be around, strikes Rinku Atwal’s life with a brute force.
And why not? All through, Rinku has exercised the kind of savage arrogant tyranny obtainable only to the most powerful evil minds.There is a lot karma catching up in this season. Two of the most ruthless killers in the series meet their match in romantic angles that come to expectedly tragic endings.
It is ironical how these men don’t think twice about destroying lives . But when it comes to their own heart,they are gentle vulnerable men hopelessly in love.
The women in Undekhi are more practical and shrewish. They fall in love but are practical about their feelings. And although two of the very strongest women in the plot don’t encounter happy endings to their love story, they are no walkovers as long as they last.
With the picturesque valleys and twisted roadways of Manali serving a serene counterpoint to the Atwal family’a iniquitous activities Undekhi’s third season swishes through eight episodes with the terse celerity of a series that means business.
The sprawling space is not wasted for even a minute. New characters are brought into play regularly, but never are they superfluous. Director Ashish Shukla employs the less-is-more mode of narration .This is unusual in crime dramas , especially one that is now into its third season. Miraculously it never seems as if Undekhi has overstayed its welcome.
Undekhi is a mirror of our times. It sometimes reaches deadends in its plot construction but the writers expertly steer the plot out of sticky situations. They know better than the characters that ,much as we’d like, good guys don’t always win. There is not a single character in this series that I would like to run into at a party.
Director Ashish R Shukla just about succeeds in holding this irrevocably immoral world together.A lot of the times in the eight episodes we see characters on the run from imminent death. Whether it is the tribal girl Koel(Apeksha Porwal) or Lucky girlfriend , they inhabit a dark dreadful world with no way out.