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Rajesh Roshan: “KK’s Death Was Totally Unnecessary”

Music composer Rajesh Roshan with whom KK sang some of his best songs in the film Kites is very upset with KK’s death. “And it’s not only because he was such a wonderful singer, so vibrant and so connected with the youth. But his death was so unnecessary. One can see in the video that is being circulated that he was very uncomfortable on stage. His face is very pained.
I’ve been through two heart attacks, and I know that look. KK was getting a heart attack. He is seen saying to switch off the lights on stage as they were making him uncomfortable.I recognize the symptoms. I also know he could have been saved, if he was made to lie down and given immediate attention. Instead he was escorted hastily out of the venue by a tall fair man, probably the organizer, out of the venue as if KK was Salman Khan.In trying to project KK as a star, his life was lost. Arrey bhai, couldn’t you see KK was in pain?”
Rajesh Roshan feels KK’s life could have easily been saved. “When I had a heart attack the doctor told me to take stress test. I refused pointblank. If I had gotten on that treadmill I know I wouldn’t have survived. KK too would have lived if he had been given immediate medical care.”
Rajesh Roshan had connected with KK a fortnight ago. “I wanted to do a non-film song with him. I couldn’t speak to him. But I spoke to someone from the team who ensured me that KK would be happy to work with me. I got to know that KK had built his home in the North East and he planned to shift there with his family.”
Rajesh remembers KK as a disciplined and dedicated singer. “He had the potential to become one of the greats. He had a staggering range.And he had the voice of the Hindi film hero. There was heroic quality to his voice. But he wasn’t pushy. He didn’t promote himself. He was an even bigger recluse than me.He spent all his non-working hours at home with his family. I believe he had a long way to go.His death is so so unnecessary.There are lots of questions here waiting to be answered.”