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Saif Confirms Bhoot Police 2

You may or may not be a fan of last year’s spooky satire Bhoot Police where Arjun Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan joined forces for a farce that many, including your truly thought to be , an utter waste of time
But Bhoot Police will have a sequel. Yes, you had that right.
Confirming the development, Saif Ali Khan says, “I loved the script and I liked my role in Bhoot Police. It continues to be one of the most watched films on that platform, and they are very keen to do a sequel.”
The first part of Bhoot Police was filled with such never-before sights and sounds. …Like A Chudail belching profanity like Linda Blair , like Saif trying to mimic Rajkummar Rao in Stree ,or Arjun Kapoor puking into a holy earthen pot while Saif holds it for him, or…never mind! This pointless illustration of the horror-comedy that neither horrifies nor amuses can go on all day, and we would still not be able to do justice to the plot holes and storytelling absurdities.
Bhoot Police is the kind of ‘possessed’ horror-comedy where horror and comedy can easily exchange places, none would be any the wiser…Not that wisdom counts for anything in a film as witless and wimpish as this. There is not one moment in Bhoot Police that can be considered even remotely inspired.
But there you have it. A sequel is on the way. Enjoy.