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Sushmita Sen, Stay Well  There’s So much To Do



Sushmita Sen

Sushmita Sen  and a heart attack?! My first response was that  of disbelief.  Nah,  couldn’t be. She leads such a healthy life. Of course she  was a smoker when I was friendly with  her.  But I think she quit  long ago. I am not  sure. We stopped being friends aeons ago. Or rather she  did. When  it comes  to  SS, she takes all the decisions on which way a friendship goes.

What I  vividly remember  from our long conversations in the past was her insistence that she would die young. When she first said it I thought  it just youthful vanity: beautiful  feel  dying  young is a sign of immortality. It’s  known as the Madhubala  syndrome.

But  I  gradually realized Sushmita meant it. She  brought up the death thing a number of times. Over the  years, I had forgotten it. But now when she  opened up  on her  frightening heart attack, I was reminded of those conversations when she was merely 24  .

She  spoke  with the wisdom of a 80-year old. And she feared  nothing:  not lecherous co-stars, not arrogant vindictive  directors, not spurned  ex-lovers.Not even death.

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