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The Never-Ending Troubles  Of Kanika Kapoor



Entertainment Industry’s Musical Voices React To Kanika Kapoor’s Health-Hazardous Indiscretion

Singer  Kanika  Kapoor seems  to have  gotten  herself into  deeper trouble  with  her social-media post where,  presumably  under wrong  advice,  she  played  the  martyr  blaming  wrong information and media-hounding  for her predicament  .

The  UP police has served  her a notice  to appear  before them on  April 30 .

All my efforts to contact Kanika were met with  a stony silence. I  can understand her reluctance to communicate her  thoughts  at  the moment.Her headspace must be  tragically crowded and  confused  with what-did-I-do self-questioning.

But I did speak to some of her friends  from the  music industry  . She seems  to have communicated  with no one in the music industry.

One of  the  popular singer who has  worked with  Kanika  more than once  described her as  “sweet, friendly  but not too bright”.

“I am  sure she didn’t mean to cause any harm. But when the  shit hit the ceiling she did the worst  possible thing  by trying to  run away  from her responsibilities,”  says  the  friend, adding that Kanika  needs better advisers.

“Her  PR  and marketing team  clearly saw this(the corona controversy) as  an occasion to up her  popularity. You can’t mess around with something as  serious as this. You  must understand that  most  celebrities think they can get away with  breaking government rules and regulations, because  they do(get away with it). This time the tables were turned. The Government decided  to make  an example   of Kanika, to show that celebrities can’t get away with  breaking the law specially when the matter concerns national security and health.”

Sources say Kanika’s troubles may  go on for a while.

A  minister   from the  central government tells me, “She will have to see  this through right to its end. And  it will have  repercussions on   her career. Sadly, this situation needn’t have happened at all.”

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