At the end of his long interview with the legendary scientist Nambi Naraynan, played by R Madhavan ,Shah Rukh Khan kneels down in front of the...
Shah Rukh Khan plays a double role in Tamil director Atlee Kumar’s Jawaan which will be his next release after Siddharth Anand’s Pathaan. Interestingly lately, Shah Rukh seems to...
There are reports that a new diamond-studded nameplate at the Shah Rukh Khan’s home’s main gate has gone missing It’s the diamonds that are to blame....
Many of Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar’s mutual friends are wondering why Shah Rukh was not seen at Karan’s 50th birthday bash on May 25 at...
The abrupt exit of Salman Khan’s brother-in-law from the Salman starrer Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali(apparently the title is now being changed) has shocked all of Salman’s close...
Shah Rukh Khan’s next release Pathan is already being talked about as one of the biggest releases of 2023 and even more significantly Shah Rukh Khan will be...