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Janhvi Kapoor Looks Back On The  Year That Was



Janhvi Kapoor

Looking back on the year, what are your takeaways?

That there is no substitute for hard work. And if your heart is clean and you but your heart and soul into your work, even if it takes longer, slowly and surely people will start recognising that about you. There’s no need to get caught up in the noise and PR game and lose bearings on the stuff that really matters. Even if it seems like the only way to get ahead in this race.

Anything else?

 Also to keep evolving. And never take yourself too seriously. And know that there’s never any set formula for success, it’s all about enjoying the journey and never getting complacent.

The past two years have been tough on all.How did you cope workwise and personally?

Work-wise I still get agitated and anxious every time I have a break from shooting for more than ten  days. I start feeling empty and like a social media personality who’s just getting dressed up and clicking photos and doing events. It starts feeling kind of depressing because unless I’m creatively stimulated or invigorated or on a set in an environment doing what I love, something that feels meaningful; I’ve realised I tend to get into a funk.

So how did you  cope  with the period of  lockdown?

I don’t know  how I got through those two years, but I think everyone’s priority was more just survival: there was so much happening in the world that we were just thankful to be with our families and safe. And it actually taught me a lot about humanity. I think it was such a catalyst to our personal growth. I also got to spend time with my family and read and watch things and get to know who I am and what I want to be. It was nice not to be seen for sometime.

Mili got you great reviews.Were you disappointed by the boxoffice collections?

Yes I was. More than anything my naive outlook of if a film is good and made with good intentions, it’ll do well and connect- it was kind of shattered a bit. Because I think it also matters what kind of good film you are, and what kind of things you’re offering to a theatrical audience, so it was a learning process. But I stand by the film, I feel a lot of pride that I was a part of it and with what we made. I hope more people see it once it’s out on Netflix.

Do you feel that now you have finally come into your own and that people are not comparing you unfavourably with your mother?

 It definitely feels like there are more positive comparisons than negative ones. The tonality is more, ‘Oh , this of Janhvi reminds me of her mother.’ As opposed to, ‘She’s so shit compared to her mother.’ So while it feels definitely more positive, I do obviously realise there are still many people to win over. And I will. I have that much faith in myself, my craft and my hard work.

Your  sister Khushi is getting ready for her debut next year .How do you feel about  this?

 I feel very excited!! She just wrapped her film. And I think it’s such a sweet lovely film and she’s given so much to it. And Zoya Akhtar  has created such a wonderful fresh world. I’m very excited

As an actor what are the roles that you would like to challenge yourself with during the coming year?

I really want to do comedy!!! And I really want to dance, I’ve been dying to dance. Or a period film. But comedy first. With lots of dancing

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