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Shekhar Kapur Shocked & Hurt By His Daughter Being Dragged Into Property Dispute



After  information  about filmmaker Shekhar Kapur’s property  dispute with his ex-wife singer-actress Suchitra  Krishnamoorthy was  leaked into the  press, there were murmurs of dissent among  his friends  who felt his domestic  disputes  were   being unnecessarily dragged  into the  public domain.’

Also Read: No Sridevi, No Mr India Sequel, Says Shekhar Kapur

Says an angry friend, “First  of all, who is leaking the  information into the  press?  Suchitra  Krishnamoorthy is  not saying anything.  But according to these leaked stories she  is  going to fight a legal battle  with Shekhar  over his  property in Mumbai for the sake of their daughter Kaveri.  Shekhar is a very caring father. At  76,  Shekhar Kapur  works  so hard   only  to secure his daughter’s future.He’d happily give away everything he has to Kaveri  .Where is the need  to go to  court when everything Shekhar possesses belongs to his  daughter?”

In an interview  given to me some  years  ago  Shekhar Kapur  had spoken warmly about his daughter. “Kaveri is very talented . I  am  so  very proud  of her.I don’t get to spend that  much  time with her as I’m out  of  the country most of  the time. But as and when we  get the  opportunity I make  sure she is with me.”

Another  friend of  Shekhar Kapur   jumps to the father’s  defence saying,  “Kaveri’s mother  didn’t even consult Kaveri before  going to court  for  property rights. Kaveri is very very upset.”

Kaveri  Kapur  has  now  spoken up in  her father’s defence.She  says, “Over the years I have stayed away from commenting on any and every conversation pertaining to my Parents and their dealings with each other. But yesterday a media report carried my name in the context of a case that is between my Mother and my father. I would like to set the record straight, I have a very strong and loving relationship with my father, Mr Shekhar Kapur. I am disappointed that my name was dragged in this manner. As a 19-years-old I know I can speak for myself.I have nothing to do with this case or any case between my parents.”

Despite his indisputable feelings for his  daughter and Kaveri’s reciprocated love for her father, it looks Shekhar is in for a long legal battle with his  former wife over  their daughter’s property rights. It must be  noted that Shekhar Kapur is already poised  for a  complicated  legal battle  with  the Zee network over the franchise right  of  his film Mr India.

It looks  like Shekhar would be extensively  in and out of  courts in the coming months.

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